We are excited to share that we’ve received our first samples of the upcoming 1:24 scale Cat® 657 and 651 Wheel-Tractor Scrapers. After a session in the photo booth, we’re pleased to present these models to our collectors. These long-awaited replicas accurately represent the design and engineering of the original machines, and we’re confident they will be a valuable addition to any collection.

The detail and size of these models is unlike any of its kind. Measuring in at over 7″ wide, almost 8″ tall and a staggering 28″ long these will be the center of attention in your collection.

Featuring an articulating cushion hitch, functioning apron and ejector, opening cab door, interior instrumentation, accurate hydraulic lines, visible engine/drivetrain, GPS masts with receivers and much more!

After an extensive review, both by CCM and Caterpillar®, these models have been approved to begin production. Retail price has been listed at $1,195.00 for the 657, and $1,195.00 for the 651. Current anticipated delivery is 2nd quarter 2025.

These limited-edition models have been set at a one time production run of only 400 Cat® 657 models and 300 Cat® 651 models so click on one of the links below and get your requests in while you still have time!

8 thoughts on “Just In: Cat®651 & 657 Wheel-Tractor Scraper First Samples Have Arrived!
  • Warren Faircloth Reply

    Finally! I’ve been waiting over 2 years (?) for this model and I was about to give up that they would ever be produced. I am not disappointed, they are excellent.

  • Why are these model 1/24th scale instead of 1/48 scale? I won’t buy these too big of scale.

  • The wait has certainly been worth it! Eventually, many of us would like to see these two Cat models produced in 1/48th. However, when it comes to Cat equipment, the 1/24th scale models from CCM are killer. I’m at least adding the 657 to my collection. I apparently now have a few months to make room for it. A great problem to have! Many thanks to Gary and his team for bringing these big Cat scrapers to life. Very much appreciated.

  • Very highly detailed models from Classic Construction Models. Excellent/Superb. Just have to wait until the 2nd Quarter!

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